
Coastal Cartography and Mapping
Since 2003, we have developed research projects and also executive projects (planning and execution) linked to studies of coastal processes (erosion/retrogradation and progradation/fattening) of sandy beaches. Case studies involving monitoring the coastline (success cases): north of Rio de Janeiro and Ilha Comprida-SP. Analysis of variations in local sea level and environmental conditions such as wind regime, wave climate, effects of astronomical tides and coastal currents. We develop support for projects of these types.

Use of Satellite Images for Geoscience and Engineering Applications
We develop support for projects related to the Digital Processing of Scientific Images. Understanding the properties of sensory images, understanding the classic processing steps: geometric corrections; radiometric corrections; atmospheric corrections; georeferencing; applying enhancement through contrast manipulation; generation of colored compositions using the RGB method; segmentation; and thematic mapping.

Support for the Development of Funded Academic Research Projects
Since 2006, we have designed, planned and executed six formal research projects funded by FAPERJ and one by FAPERJ/FAPESP. These were academic projects by the UFF Geosciences Institute and the UERJ Faculty of Engineering. We apply topographic and thematic digital mapping methodology based on GNSS data, historical aerial photographs and satellite images.

Local Production Arrangements (APL)
Local Productive Arrangement (APL) consists of a set of economic, political and social factors, located in the same territory, developing related economic activities and which present links of production, interaction, cooperation and learning, in a humanized approach in the generation of processes and in the use of products. We have already developed a Banana APL in the municipality of Casimiro de Abreu-RJ, also aiming to implement the Solidarity Economy. APL promote review of public policies and leverage regional development.