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Coastal Process Monitoring

Leadership since 2003 in the Digital Thematic Cartographic Mapping of the Coastal Plain of the Paraíba do Sul River with the Support of Sensory Images.


The project was an offshoot of interinstitutional research projects carried out in 2004, 2005 and 2006. References were research projects that were financed by CNPq and FAPERJ and named respectively "Atafona, RJ: Assessment of the Marine Erosion Process" and "Erosion in Atafona: Present, Past and Future. Impact Analysis. The present project was also related to the research projects "Cartographic Mapping applied to Coastal Erosion Monitoring" and "Historical-Geological Mapping of Hologenic Coastal Processes in the Paraíba River Plain South (RJ)". The activities also had direct involvement with the research project that convened university extension groups, submitted to FAPERJ for execution in 2007, called "Digital Cartographic Mapping of the Plain of the Rio Paraíba do Sul (RJ) from sensory images ".


The project is justified due to the need to continue carrying out activities already carried out since 2004. There was interest in carrying out digital cartographic mapping of Pontal de Atafona and the deltaic plain of the Paraíba do Sul river, São João da Barra (RJ) and São Francisco of Itabapoana (RJ), since to identify and understand the erosive agents (wind, wave and tide) it was necessary to obtain the spatial configuration of coastal geological and geomorphological features contained in this plain, in order to determine their effective contribution to coastal processes underway on the coast of São Paulo. The extensionist nature occurred in the concentration of tasks related to the production and exchange of information about erosion, disseminating information about this phenomenon among the scientific community (university researchers and others linked to government research institutes) and the local community (fishermen, artisans, public school teachers, technicians from São João da Barra city hall, tourists, residents of Atafona, vacationers, etc...).


Posters were produced to disseminate reflections on the causes of erosion, enriched with thematic maps to be generated in the SPRING system environment. In the context of the Municipal Master Plan (São João da Barra), an environmental risk map of the urban area affected by erosion in Atafona was produced, based on applied research. Posters were widely displayed at the Science Space in the municipality.

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